
Wise Family

Happy New Year everyone!! I can't believe how quickly 2011 has come.  The month of December just flew by. It turned out to be one of the most amazing and also towards the end, one of the most trying months of my life so far. Which, is why this post is soooo late... These gorgeous friends of mine, have been so good to me this year..when I needed them and even when I haven't. They have been huge supporters of my photography goals, and have done so much to help me even though they may not realize it. They were also behind the scenes, helping my love plot and plan (without me knowing) leading up to the best surprise of my life, (my engagement and 30th bday party) and have been there for me pulling me through the rough end of the year. I am incredibly grateful for this family and for all of their love and support. I hope you (and they) enjoy their pictures as much as I do.  Thank you friends. I love you and appreciate you more than words will ever be able to express.
This picture is my favorite Christmas picture so far. I love CW's little face and look at how cute his hands are positioned. LOL :)

Soon to be BIG BROTHER!! :) Stay tuned for his newborn baby brother at the end of January.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, Jen! You know we love you too! :) And we believe in your photography, that's why we keep pushing you! :)
